My speech at this webinar: the impact of traumas on sexuality Our contribution to the week of sexual wellness! In the webinar, I talked about the impact of sexual traumas on sexuality. gaia2021-03-14T10:32:01+01:0010.10.2020| Condividi questo articolo, scegli la piattaforma! FacebookXLinkedIn Related Posts Speaker at the International Sexology Congress Speaker at the International Sexology Congress 19.11.2022 Speaker at the AISPA Congress, talking about delayed ejaculation Speaker at the AISPA Congress, talking about delayed ejaculation 12.11.2022 Speaker at the Congress “A cure for erectile dysfunction” Speaker at the Congress “A cure for erectile dysfunction” 11.11.2022 Speaker at the FISS Congress Speaker at the FISS Congress 28.10.2022 Speaker at the National Congress of the Italian Society of Andrology Speaker at the National Congress of the Italian Society of Andrology 13.09.2022 Speaker at the World Association for Sexual Health Congress Speaker at the World Association for Sexual Health Congress 19.09.2021